Information on Jackie Clips

Jackie appeared on Letterman for Shanghai Noon!

May 18, 2000 - Jackie Chan appeared on the David Letterman show.  After Jackie took the time to deliver a standard kick to David's head (reminiscent of the kick to Conan O'Brien's head a while ago), the two got down to discussing some of Jackie's injuries from his movies.  Many people have been critical of David because of his style of interviewing.  This was a concern of mine several years back when Jackie first started showing up on American talk shows.  It is David's way, and it should just be accepted as so.  David repeatedly invites Jackie back to his show and they do exploit the language barrier, but it is all as it should be.  People tune in to the show to see David and his guests.  For the regular viewers, this is all part of the norm.  If you still find yourself disgusted by the interview, take the time to look up the Howard Stern interview of Chris Tucker for Rush Hour.  Again, the interview is par for the course for the show, but dedicated Jackie fans are likely to be offended.

The clip used for this article came from the David Letterman Show and aired on CBS.

A small commercial I caught on Galavision

May 19, 2000 - A small commercial appeared on Galavision (one of the many Spanish channels available on satellite and through cable) as I was ripping through the channels on my television.  My daughter had just mentioned that there was a game called futbol in Mexico, but that it was actually soccer.  I was excited to see how interested she was in the foreign culture and almost as a matter of proof, Galavision happened to be airing a program on it.  When I tuned in, however, I found that commercials were airing.  As if the shock of hearing my daughter talk about a foreign culture wasn't enough, here was a commercial on a foreign language channel talking about a movie starring international superstar Jackie Chan!!

The clip used for this article came from the Galavision television network.

Advertisement for Saturday Night Live appearance

May 13, 2000 - Jackie Chan is to appear on Saturday Night Live as the host along with Kid Rock as the musical guest.  This screen is taken from the tail end of the prior weeks show.  This is a major undertaking for Jackie who is not necessarily known for his prowess at the English language.  Jackie has gone to great lengths discussing his problems with the English language through stories of his real experiences.  Some of the stories included meeting the queen of England, ordering breakfast, standing in an elevator, the Oscar's, and even going so far as to call it "Jackie-English".  Jackie is more or less coming of age in America and his appearance as host on this show should be considered a milestone in his achievements.

The picture used for this article came from the television show Saturday Night Live!.

Jackie Mentions!!

Date Unknown - As ever-growing evidence of Jackie's success in the American market, his name has become more and more common to the general public.  Mentions have showed up on shows like The Simpson's, Men in Black cartoon, and Who wants to be a millionaire.  These shows have distinctly varied viewers ranging from children to adults.  I cannot remember another individual that has come from the International community that has been marketed and remarketed in so many different ways and with so much success.  It should be noted that since the Men in Black cartoon airs on the WB network and Jackie has a cartoon coming up on that network that it only makes sense that they plug Jackie's upcoming show.

There were a couple of clips used for this article.  One is of The Simpson's and the other is the picture of Dana Carvey's question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

Lucy Liu in a Revlon commercial

May 19, 2000 - In what should have been an exciting day for Jackie Chan fans, there was very little happening.  Jackie had been slated to appear on the Good Morning America (a.k.a. The Carley Simon Show) and the Regis and Kathy Lee Show.  Neither appearance happened and reminds me of similar happenings during the Rush Hour promotion.  In what I would call similar to bait and hook tactics, television listings of GMA all showed Jackie listed as one of the guests.  In "anticipation" of catching a glimpse of the internationally renowned martial arts superstar many fans tuned in.  It is unknown just how many fans and families of fans had two hours of their time wasted.  What does all of this have to do with Lucy Liu in a Revlon commercial?  Besides being your typical hottie, Lucy gets the part of princess in Jackie's movie Shanghai Noon.  The commercial aired during GMA.

The clip used for this article aired as a commercial during the popular morning show Good Morning America.

Jackie on MTV's Total Request Live

Date Unknown - I have to give the utmost credit to MTV for their continuing support of Jackie Chan.  Their lifetime achievement award is probably the ice-breaker for his career.  There can be little doubt that they have played a serious role in presenting him to the portion of the American public that is the most receptive of him. Jackie has appeared in several awards shows (as recipient and announcer), Celebrity Deathmatch, MTV's Fanatic, and has also guest hosted a couple of shows (such as the Ass-Kicking videos).  His recent appearance on TRL will be followed by an upcoming show called Biorhythms.  

This clip contains a small portion of the show TRL that aired on MTV.

Jackie getting prepped for the Wax Museum

Date Unknown - This little piece of news stands as another reminder that Jackie is a ground breaking international star.  He is mentioned as being the first Chinese star to be fitted for the wax!

This clip aired on Fox News!